The Console Unit
The console unit is a ready-made Pascal program that adds some useful functionality to our code.
You can download it here
Make sure that it is stored in the same folder as your Delphi project. Then just modify the 'Uses' line to read like this |
These are the extra commands that console makes available:
readkey : Returns a character telling you which key was pressed. If it's one of the special keys - for example the arrow key, the first character will be character(0), you then read again to find out what the extended code was.
keypressed : True or false, tells you if a key was pressed without waiting for that to happen.
LArrowPressed, RArrowPressed, UArrowPressed and DArrowPressed: Return true or false if the arrow keys have been pressed. These allow for a smoother keyboard input than using keypressed or readkey.
gotoxy(x,y) : Allows you to move the cursor to a specific coordinate on the screen
wherex and wherey : Allow you to find out where the cursor is
textcolor(c) : Will change the text foreground colour. Use either a colour name from the list 'black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, brown, lightgrey, darkgray, lightblue, lightgreen, lightcyan, lightred, lightmagenta, yellow, white" or use a number between 1 and 15
textbackground(c): Will change the background colour in the same way
clrscr : clears the screen
beep(frequency, duration) : beeps the computer's speaker - try beep(400,1000);
quickbeep(frequency, duration): same as beep, but doesn't pause the computer's output.
There are more, but these are the important ones. You can have a look for yourself and see how the unit works - just open it in Delphi.
readkey : Returns a character telling you which key was pressed. If it's one of the special keys - for example the arrow key, the first character will be character(0), you then read again to find out what the extended code was.
keypressed : True or false, tells you if a key was pressed without waiting for that to happen.
LArrowPressed, RArrowPressed, UArrowPressed and DArrowPressed: Return true or false if the arrow keys have been pressed. These allow for a smoother keyboard input than using keypressed or readkey.
gotoxy(x,y) : Allows you to move the cursor to a specific coordinate on the screen
wherex and wherey : Allow you to find out where the cursor is
textcolor(c) : Will change the text foreground colour. Use either a colour name from the list 'black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, brown, lightgrey, darkgray, lightblue, lightgreen, lightcyan, lightred, lightmagenta, yellow, white" or use a number between 1 and 15
textbackground(c): Will change the background colour in the same way
clrscr : clears the screen
beep(frequency, duration) : beeps the computer's speaker - try beep(400,1000);
quickbeep(frequency, duration): same as beep, but doesn't pause the computer's output.
There are more, but these are the important ones. You can have a look for yourself and see how the unit works - just open it in Delphi.